#M2L Live

Move to Learn isn’t just in the classroom. It’s all over Mississippi.

Our assembly is fun for students (and teachers) and includes interactive movement  opportunities and engaging information about how M2L helps manage classroom  energy. Students participate in a cool-down activity before calmly filing out to return to class.

Please request an appointment below to make sure we can get you on the calendar! 


In-School Visits by Coach Calhoun

Coach Calhoun may already visit your classroom through one of our Move to Learn videos, but imagine if the real Coach Calhoun visited your school!

From individual classroom visits to an all-school fitness break with Coach Calhoun, this is not an opportunity to miss. But remember, in-school visits are limited to schools within Mississippi.

Does this sound like something your school would enjoy? If so, contact us and tell us why your school needs a visit from Coach!

Conference Presentations

The Move to Learn team is committed to attending professional conferences to inform educators and administrators of the worthwhile impact Move to Learn can make on their schools. Presentations include an overview of the scientific research upon which Move to Learn is based, as well as panel discussions and even a live demonstration (Brain Break) with an MTL coach. Conferences attended include:

  • Mississippi Association of School Superintendents
  • Mississippi School Board Association
  • Mississippi Association of Partners in Education/PREPS Conference
  • Mississippi Professional Educators Conference
  • Making Connections Conference
  • Mississippi School Nurse Association
  • Mississippi Association of School Administrators




Teacher Training Sessions

The Move to Learn team is on the road! A team from The Bower Foundation and the MS Department of Education accompanied Coach Larry Calhoun to Corinth to inform educators about the importance of incorporating physical activity in the classroom. Corinth Elementary School hosted the training for eight school districts in North Mississippi.

Are you a member of a teacher association? Do you attend any teacher training sessions throughout the year? If so, look for us at your next session!

We’ll teach you some best practices for ways to increase student grades, reduce classroom behavior problems, and raise healthier, happier students. Best of all, we’ll show you easy ways to incorporate exercise and Move to Learn into a cramped classroom and a busy school day.

Not seeing us on the schedule of your next conference or training session? Contact us, and we’ll see if we can bring #MTLive to the agenda!

Where has Move to Learn been?

January 2013 – May 2023

Schools Visited
Presentations Given
Children Reached
School Requests Received

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