In Their Own Words TEST2

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Allison Sims, Teacher

Brian Knippers, Principal

Brittany Brewer, Teacher

Cindy Hamil, Principal

Darryl Floyd, Teacher

David Rock, Dean

Donna Loden, Co-chair

LaKeisha Porter, Teacher

Lisa Karmacharya, President

Stacie Collins, Principal

Terry Leigh Clayton, Teacher

Traci Easterling, Nurse


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Submit a Testimonial


The Scott Center is a special needs school located in Oxford. The kids in our Pre-K absolutely love Move To Learn. It’s part of our daily routine! One of our students requests it almost as soon as he gets to school and then demonstrates his favorite move, “slide it in and out.” I think our sweet students would love a visit!”
– MaryBeth Pearcy, Scott Center in Oxford, MS

We would not make it without you! My kids LOVE our brain breaks. You make it fun for them and they love getting their “wiggles” out! Thanks for creating such an amazing program!”
– Natalie Porter, Davidson Elementary School

Sixth graders are at a difficult age. They want to be “cool” for their friends, but most also want to keep the teacher happy. We incorporate what we call brain breaks and like to use move to learn. It’s something that even the “cool” kids can and like to do!!”
– Andrea Barber, Mantachie Elementary School

Our class uses move to learn every morning after breakfast and before circle time. It is used at that time to help stimulate the kids mind. We uses it for Fit 4 You too. Our babies love move to learn. Our favorites are I want a rhyme, Syllable stomp and Alphabets. We have one baby that cries when we are turning it off. It would be a great honor to have Mr. Calhoun visit our babies.

We would like to thank you for this grand opportunity.”
– Jemekia Carr, Bertha Blackburn Head Start Center

I use Move to Learn when my students need a break and to burn some of that kindergarten energy. My students love it. They don’t want to go back to work when I put it on. They yell we want to do another one.”
– Cynthia King, Grenada Elementary School

Our students love Move to Learn. They ask for it all the time. When new students enter my gym for the first and see my Move to Learn banner hanging on the wall their little faces light up and they get all excited. Many state that know all the moves to the cowboy song because that is their favorite song. Move to Learn has helped our students basic shapes, numbers and motions. Thank you for coming up with this concepts. Cant wait for more videos!!”
– Morgan Fowler, Hope Sullivan Elementary School

It’s hard for anyone to stay in one spot all day! These videos allow my students to step away from work for a few minutes and be the kid they are. I use them as a good behavior incentive as well. A rule in our class is : Today I will do what I must do, so tomorrow I can do what I want to do. If they’re working hard and showing effort, we get to “hang out with Coach” more. They absolutely LOVE the brain breaks with Coach. I can go on and on about the benefits of the brain breaks! Let’s face it, doing classwork can be mentally exhausting, but these brain breaks are refreshing! It’s amazing how they are more engaged after the quick break. I rack up on “cool teacher” points as well because I let them have fun in class.”
– Kacey Noller, South Hancock Elementary School

We use Move to Learn when we need to shake our sillies out or wiggle our wobbles away so we can get back on track and focus. It is such a blessing to our class. Their favorite part is seeing their teacher up moving and grooving with them. Plus it keeps me active during the day too!”
– Heather Martin, Houston Lower Elementary School

Move to Learn is a wonderful resource in my classroom. First, it allows me to teach my students the imporance of exercise and allows them to experience the benefits of physical activity immediately. Second, the movement orepares my students’ bodies and brains for learning. Finally, Move to Learn is just plain fun! My students love it! Thanks for providing this very effective resource!”
– Cheryl Ricks, McLaurin Elementary School

In our classroom, Move to Learn is a saving grace! It’s something my students see as a privelege and also look forward to. I really try to remember that if I can’t sit still for longer than an hour, then neither can they! I use it as a way to give their brains a little jumpstart to refuel and get ready for the rest of the day. Also, my kids really love Coach Calhoun. They think he is just the coolest. I know we aren’t a very large school but we have a large place in our heart for our students and we try our best to provide them with everything they need to be successful. We believe Move To Learn is part of that success!”
– Mia Kapidzic, Harrison Central Elementary School

My pre-k students love move to learn videos! It’s been too hot to go outside for recess so we exercise and they have a blast. They are also learning as they exercise. I really like the abc video and the counting one. It’s a great teaching tool. We would be so excited to win!”
– Angie Rash, Union Elementary School

My students love the Move to Learn brain break program. Their favorite move is the WAVE. I appreciate how the program lines up with the Mississippi College- and Career-Ready standards. Coach Calhoun will name the very muscle that they have talked about in class and that is just so very powerful. If you are not utilizing this program give it a try soon!”
– Kathy Shows, Physical Education teacher at Madison Station Elementary

I administered the MCT2 to 4th grade yesterday and 6th grade today. Both days we did a “Move to Learn” video prior to receiving the test. It aided in removing some of the stress. Thank you.”
-Vivian Jackson, Special Education Teacher at North Jones Elementary

I love what you guys are doing. I admire how passionate you guys are about changing the way kids learn and making them active…and making each child feel they are special and worthy of greatness. I just wanted to share my admiration.”
– Amber Swain, Teacher at Thomas Street Elementary School

My fourth grade classroom absolutely loves the Move to Learn videos. We use them throughout the day when we need a little “Brain Break,” and also as a reward. I try to allow my students to participate in the videos about three times a day. We do it first thing in the morning after announcements, half way through the day, and towards the end of our school day. If we have indoor recess due to bad weather, we use the videos for our “fun” and physical activity for the day. I have noticed a difference in my students’ confidence, academics, and overall well being. My students enjoy discussing how we can better ourselves and live healthy lifestyles.”
– Shannon Bastarache, Gulfport Schools

Coach Calhoun and his Move to Learn message hit Tupelo by storm this week! Through giddyuping, changing the light bulb, dribbling, playing the guitar, shooting hoops, and dusting it off, students and teachers moved, danced, and jumped to fast-paced music while smiling and releasing endorphins at the same time. They were also reminded of the importance of reducing screen time to maximize rest and sleep and to remember to be joyous and laugh many times over the course of a day. Coach Calhoun affirmed the importance of movement in helping children to be more ready to take tests, concentrate on classwork, and do the very best that they can in their studies. Move to Learn fit in beautifully with our 5-2-1 Move It Week message. Thanks, Bower Foundation and MDE, for relaying the message of fit children equal better academically prepared children. Come back again soon, Coach Calhoun and Crew!”
– Donna Loden, Tupelo Schools

I love the fact that the students depicted in the videos are both girls and boys who represent different races and physical abilities. I actually have students who choose children from the videos and say, “I’m the one in the purple,” or “I’m the one in the back.” You would think that they were watching their favorite TV program. Thank you for making Move to Learn available to our school.”
– Ann Wisner, Teacher at Richland Elementary

We had a wonderful time ‘Moving to Learn’! It was great to look out and see hundreds of students and teachers doing exercises with Coach Calhoun. But please don’t think that I just watched! I did every fitness set with Coach and the kids! I was quite tired by Friday, but that was fine. The reward was worth it because there were so many touching moments for me during those three days. I was truly amazed that my district came together for these performances. So many of the kids touched my heart with their enthusiasm and admiration for Coach Calhoun!”
– Susan Killens, Child Nutrition Director at Lee County Schools

I love Move To Learn because it gets both sides of the brain working. After exercising with the program, students sit quietly and are ready for instruction. My students say it is so fun!”
– Dena Wright, Teacher at Magnolia Park Elementary

Move to Learn is a great activity to implement into your day. I do not have a set time that I do the video. I do try to show it in the morning to get the students motivated. The students absolutely love it. If time allots, I try to show it in the afternoon as well. My students know that we do the exercise at least once a day. If we happen to skip a day, the students are sure to let me know we must do the video from the day before as well as the video for the day of the week!”
– Jennifer Seymour, Teacher at Magnolia Park Elementary

Move to Learn is a great way to get students to wake up and prepare to learn. We use Move to Learn videos before we begin our EnVision Math to help stimulate students’ brains. As a teacher, I find the videos to be enjoyable, energizing, and a great way to start the day.”
– Ms. Kara Davis, Teacher at Clinton Park Elementary

It’s amazing the difference I can see in my students’ attentiveness before and after we watch the Move to Learn videos. We like to call our breaks, “brain breaks”. These videos are especially beneficial on days when bad weather keeps us from going to recess. At first I was skeptical as to whether or not my kids would be able to take the videos seriously or if they would just goof off, but they understand these videos are a privilege and enjoy them so much that they are always on task during them. The 5-6 minute “brain break” is well worth it!
– Meredith Brown, Teacher at Northside Elementary

Move to Learn is a great tool to help students focus. We often use it when transitioning from activity back to class. It refocuses the students without me having to correct or redirect them.”
– Mrs. Gentry Booth, Teacher at Clinton Park Elementary

Move to Learn gives our students the opportunity to get their blood pumping and their brains ready for learning.”
– Alison Block, Principal, Magnolia Park Elementary

I love Move to Learn because my kids enjoy movin’ and groovin’ in the morning. They say it’s fun to exercise with Coach Calhoun! ”
– 1st grade teacher Ann Marie Porter, Magnolia Park Elementary

The Move to Learn program helps me integrate physical activity in my first grade classroom throughout the school day. My students are refreshed and re-energized by the five-minute “moving breaks” provided by this program. It allows students to be active for a brief time, stimulating their bodies and minds. After exercising, my students are ready to return their focus to their schoolwork!”
– Becky Shanklin, 1st Grade Teacher at Corinth Elementary School

Move to Learn is a fun way for students to exercise in the classroom. Since the videos are around five minutes long, they are great to use between subject transitions.”
-Brooke McGrath, 3rd Grade Teacher at Corinth Elementary School


I love Coach Calhoun! He is so funny and gets me excited about the workout!”

Thank you so much for Move to Learn. I can’t wait to continue using it with all of my future classes!”

Move to learn makes me feel smarter.”
– Mikey, Student at Clinton Park Elementary

I like the videos because they get you warmed up to learn more.”
– Matthew B., student at Northside Elementary

I like the Move to Learn videos because they get us more active and pumped about learning.”
– Zion M., student at Northside Elementary

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