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Move to Learn Initiative

Move to Learn is based on a simple concept:

When kids get to move at school, things get better.

Not only does student health improve, but academic performance improves, too. In fact, numerous scientific studies have confirmed that the more exercise a student gets, the better his or her grades are likely to be. And that’s not all. In several studies of Mississippi students, more fitness was associated with better behavior and less absenteeism.

Move to Learn is designed to help teachers raise student fitness levels and, in turn, raise student achievement.

Here’s what you’ll find here:

  • Short exercise videos for your class
    • Download age-specific exercise break videos led by Coach Calhoun. These five-minute videos are designed for classroom use – with exercise routines that work in and around desks. They are a perfect way to re-energize and refocus your students during a long lesson.
  • Over 2,000 lesson plans
    • Find easy-to-use lesson plans that incorporate important fitness and nutrition lessons.
  • Tips and strategies from colleagues
    • Join the Move to Learn conversation! Share your own tips and techniques for getting fitness into the classroom. Have a question about a lesson plan or concerned about space, ask your online colleague community about how they Move to Learn.

Still have questions? Read about the research that supports movement in the classroom or listen to testimonials from teachers and administrators who have found success with fitness in the classroom.

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